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%ping - Checks the ping of the bot
%avatar (@user) - Shows the avatar of a specific person
%help - Shows the commands of the bot
%prefix (any key eg. !) - Sets the prefix of the bot
%dm (@user) (words/sentences) - Sends a user a dm
%user-info (@user) - Shows the information of a specific person
%bot-info - Shows the info of the bot
%server-info - Shows the info of a certain server
%simprate (@user) - Shows the rate of a users simprate
%gayrate @user) - Shows the rate of a users gayrate
%cat - Facts about cats
%dog- Facts about dogs
%fox- Facts about foxes
%koala - Facts about koalas
%panda - Facts about pandas
%ig (username) - Finds the instagram account of a specific username
%verify - Only works in a channel named #verify
%anime (anime movie) - Shows the info of anime movies


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